Diary Dates

Hello everyone here is a list of dates to help you remember everything that is happening at school during December. Apologies there is quite a lot but please catch us anytime to ask us anything!

Costumes to be in by Tuesday 5th December in a named plastic bag. 

Tuesday 12th December – Year 2 nativity at 9.30 in the school hall                                                     Wednesday 13th December – Year 1 Nativity at 9.30am in the school hall                                           Thursday 14th December – Year 1 Nativity at 2pm in the school hall.                                                                   Friday 15th December- Year 2 Nativity at 2pm in the school hall                                                                                       

Wednesday the 13th December is also our Christmas Dinner Day -Christmas jumpers to be worn over uniform. Children can come to school in their uniform that day as there will be no PE due to the nativity.

Wednesday 20th December – Christmas party day (non-uniform for Reception and KS1. Please can you also send in some extra snacks with your child eg crisps or a bun. We will provide drinks. Santa will also be visiting school!

Advent Services – these will be held in our classroom and you are invited to come to celebrate Advent with us in a short Liturgy. You can sign up for these outside the  school office . The times will be 2.45 on the following days –

Tuesday 5th December                                                                                                Thursday 7th December  Tuesday 12th December                                                                                                                                   Thursday 14th December

Thank you

Parent / Grandparent reading volunteers needed!

We would be very grateful if any parents/ carers / grandparents could spare some time to come into school on a weekly basis to listen to children read and help them develop reading confidence, fluency and enjoyment. 

If you are able to help out with this, please contact Mrs Clack in the office.

Any questions, please get in touch.. 

Thursday and Friday

Just to remind you all that tomorrow is our pirate day. If children would like to come dressed as a pirate or princess that would be lovely but anything non-uniform is fine.

If you have any junk materials for junk modelling that would be great too, for example empty kitchen rolls, milk bottle lids, cereal boxes.

Also Friday is our Jubilee Day so children have been invited to come in non-uniform wearing red, white and blue clothes. A Jubilee party lunch will also be served instead of the usual Friday lunch.

Thank you, have a good evening.

Pirate’s Day

Hi just to remind you all it’s Pirate’s Day on Thursday, we would be grateful if you have any junk materials at home, e.g kitchen roll tubes, milk bottle lids cereal boxes for us to use. Thank you!

Welcome Back

Hello! I hope you’ve all have a wonderful break, it has been wonderful to see the children’s smiley faces this week. We will continue to do PE on a Monday and your children’s reading days will be the same as before Christmas. One change to notify you of is we are very lucky because Mrs. Goodchild is in class all day on a Friday.

It has been a fantastic week full of fun, laughter and learning! Some of the highlights for this week include: the Y1 DT project where we are exploring how to make sliding mechanisms (we made a flower this week), the reception have learnt lots about 3D shape and we had a trip to the school woods. At the woods we talked about what happens at winter time, we also built habitats for animals that hibernate over winter. What a wonderful week it has been, thank you to all the children for being so amazing!

RE Topic

We will be starting our RE topic – Special; People. We would really appreciate it if your child can bring in a photograph of a special person in their lives. Please can you put your child’s name on the back. Thank you.

Welcome Assembly – tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the Welcome Assembly. We will let you in the school gates at 9.25, we will be there to meet you in the playground and your child can sit on your knee during the assembly which will start at 9.30. We will welcome you and your child to the front to collect a certificate during the assembly. We cannot wait to see you all tomorrow, thank you/

Super Day!

The Y1’s have begun their phonics and maths lessons again this week and have had lots of fun meeting the new reception children. We happily played outside in the sunshine and played some fun games in our circle time together :)

Tomorrow we will be ordering the school lunches for Friday as the children aren’t in Friday morning, it would really help us if you went through the menu so they know what they would like to order.

Reception’s first day

I am so proud of all of the Reception children today they all came in and settled so well, they all happily played and chattered and began to make friends. I hope they are all super excited to come back tomorrow. Please enjoy some pictures from today! Thanks, Miss Oliver :)